Globally Harmonized System for Classifying and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) BRIEFING – Sept 22, 2016
From 1 January 2017, the Globally Harmonized System for Classifying and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) will be MANDATORY in NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, ACT, NT and Commonwealth jurisdictions. It is already acceptable in VIC and WA, and a large number of Australian companies are adopting it now. Anyone who deals with CHEMICALS will need to be aware of this new system to understand its relevance and your obligations. This informative Briefing is designed to bring you up to speed with your obligations under this new MANDATORY system. The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) suggests consistency within your business. This means, if you have offices or sites in the states and territories where implementation of this new system will be mandatory, as well as offices or sites in the states where it is not currently mandatory, we recommend that you introduce this new system throughout your business to avoid confusion.