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Environmental Management and Sustainability Workshop – Oct 30 & 31, 2013

The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) updates all Workshops of the AEBN to ensure the latest changes in laws, and the latest and innovative environmental management practices are presented. A company's environmental performance is regulated through an array of Federal and State Acts, Regulations and Policies. These laws are continuously amended and new laws introduced - particularly in the areas of contaminated land management, waste, reporting requirements and much more... Failure to understand and comply with these laws and your environmental obligations will result in significant penalties to your organisation.


The Powers of the Environment and Safety Regulators – Understand your Obligations and Know your Rights: WORKSHOP & SEMINAR – Nov 15, 2013

HOW PREPARED ARE YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS TO RESPOND TO A VISIT AND AN INVESTIGATION BY THE ENVIRONMENT AND/OR SAFETY REGULATORS? This Workshop and Seminar will explore - Who are the Environment and Safety Regulators; What are their powers including powers of entry, search and seizure...; Understand your legal rights; Important information and practical tips to minimise risk and prepare you and your business to respond to a visit and investigation by the Regulators; and much more.


New Environmental Obligations & Funding for Business in 2014 (Federal, VIC, NSW, QLD, SA) – Feb 28, 2014


- John Merritt, CEO EPA Victoria

A number of significant changes to environmental laws and requirements are expected to take effect in 2014 that will impact industry, business and councils across Australia. This important Seminar will focus on the details of the changes to environmental laws, industry obligations and requirements, as well as funding opportunities that are expected within the next 12 months. The Seminar will focus on the Federal, Victorian, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australian jurisdictions. The Seminar will provide a regulatory, legal and industry perspective to assist you in understanding IF, HOW and WHEN change should be implemented within your business operations. The aim of the Seminar is to have you at the forefront of your environmental obligations and funding opportunities across these jurisdictions - to allow you to plan ahead! Over 1.30 hours of networking with presenters and delegates will be provided.


How to Demonstrate Environmental Compliance to the Regulators – A Practical Workshop: ADELAIDE – Mar 13, 2014

Are you confident that you are complying with environmental laws? Can you demonstrate compliance to the regulator?

The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) has developed this practical one day Workshop to provide you with the tools and procedures to enable you to comply and demonstrate compliance to the regulator. Environmental lawyers will take you through the legal framework and explain your legal obligations under Environmental and Planning laws; with environmental experts demonstrating how to access and understand the environmental requirements and legislation applicable to your site and business. The Workshop will include a practical session on developing your own compliance assurance tool kit. It will also address how compliance is managed across other states.


Introductory Level to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling & Transport Workshop – AM Half Day, Apr 2, 2014

INTRODUCTORY LEVEL WORKSHOP. The Introductory Level workshop is designed to bring you up to speed with Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling and Transport laws and requirements in Victoria. As each state has different Dangerous Goods laws and requirements, the Introductory Level Workshop will cover the Globally Harmonised System, Australian Dangerous Goods Code 7 (ADG7); the 9 Classes of Dangerous Goods; Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS); discuss the new Code of Practice, and much more.


Intermediate Level to Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling & Transport Workshop – PM Half Day, Apr 2, 2014

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL WORKSHOP. This comprehensive Workshop has been designed to bring you up to speed with the Dangerous Goods laws and requirements in Victoria to Intermediate Level. As each state has different Dangerous Goods laws and requirements, this practical Workshop will include segregation of dangerous goods rules; chemical compatibility; placarding of stores, vehicles and containers; labelling; bunding rules of storage of dangerous goods; risk assessment requirements and much more.


Energy Efficiency Management & Cost Savings Opportunities Workshop – May 7, 2014

To assist industry, business and councils, the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) and WSP Environment and Energy, has developed this practical program to enable businesses to identify economic opportunities for energy savings and to develop and implement effective energy management systems. This comprehensive Workshop will cover the process for developing an Energy Efficiency Plan for your business and effective strategies for staff engagement.


CARBON LEADERSHIP FORUM – Understanding Australia’s proposed Carbon Laws: impacts & opportunities to business – May 16, 2014

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: SENATOR THE HON SIMON BIRMINGHAM, PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY TO THE MINISTER FOR ENVIRONMENT. The Federal Government has stated that they will repeal the carbon tax and is proposing new carbon laws. It is important that all businesses understand Australia's proposed carbon policy to ensure you understand the impacts and opportunities to your organisation. This timely Forum is aimed to provide an all round perspective of the proposed changes which are likely to be implemented in 2014. You will hear from the regulators, leading climate change lawyers, carbon and asset management specialists, an industry and energy users' perspective and more - to assist you in understanding how the proposed changes may affect your business and its operations.
