INTRODUCTORY LEVEL – Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Chemicals & Hazardous Substances Storage, Handling & Transport WORKSHOP – AM HALF DAY, OCT 12, 2017
**COVERING - THE NEW 'GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM FOR THE CLASSIFICATION AND LABELLING OF CHEMICALS (GHS)' AS IT APPLIES TO DANGEROUS GOODS IN VICTORIA AND OTHER STATES; THE NEW 'AUSTRALIAN CODE FOR THE TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY ROAD AND RAIL EDITION 7.5 (ADG7.5)' AND MUCH MORE** This Workshop will bring you up to speed with Dangerous Good (Storage & Handling) Regulations including Transport laws and obligations for Victoria. The Workshop will provide an overview of the changes within the NEW Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail Edition 7.5 (ADG7.5) and will cover the 'Globally Harmonised System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)' as it applies to Dangerous Goods. The Workshop will cover - the 9 Classes of Dangerous Goods; Safety Data Sheets (SDS); GHS labelling as it applies to Dangerous Goods; an update of GHS as it applies to Victoria; the Code of Practice for Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods, and much more. The Workshop is designed for personnel who have a basic and general understanding of the storage, handling and transport of Dangerous Goods in Victoria; and personnel who seek a refresher course to ensure they are up to date with Dangerous Goods obligations.