Carbon Leadership Forum – Future Directions July 29, 2011
Keynote: The Hon Mark Dreyfus, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change Presented by the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN®) in association with Proud Partner - Norton Rose […]
Keynote: The Hon Mark Dreyfus, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change Presented by the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN®) in association with Proud Partner - Norton Rose […]
This is an introductory level workshop for dangerous goods, storage and handling
This is an Intermediate Level - Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling afternoon workshop
This Seminar is designed to provide industry, business and councils with the latest changes to environmental laws - keeping you at the forefront of your environmental obligations.
This two day intensive Workshop will provide participants with the tools to identify and understand the appropriate environmental laws and requirements that apply to your organisation today. The Workshop will focus on the latest environmental management practices to assist you in developing strategies and processes to become a more sustainable business.
The Workshop will provide an update of the Waste Regulations, liabilities and obligations; and provide you with the tools to identify whether your waste can be reused/recycled; the cost savings to be made; identify where the opportunities for waste avoidance may be; and provide you with the tools to develop and implement effective waste management practices and a Waste Management Strategy.
Significant changes to environment laws are expected to take place in 2012 that will impact industry, business and councils across Australia. This important seminar will focus on the details of those changes to new environmental laws, industry obligations and requirements (Federal, Victorian and New South Wales), including initiatives expected in 2012.
New Laws for the Storage, Handling and Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances - half day introductory workshop
New Laws for the Storage, Handling and Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances - Intermediate Workshop
With the commencement of the Clean Energy Future legislation and a carbon price on 1 July 2012, the AEBN has designed this important Seminar to provide a clear understanding of what it will mean to you, your business and your operations.
The cost of waste treatment and disposal, as well as the increase in government levy, are placing an increasing burden on business. A number of businesses have delivered significant savings through better waste management and minimisation. This Workshop will focus on new waste laws, liabilities, obligations and methods for waste reduction, with significant cost saving.
Many organisations have found significant cost benefits through implementing energy efficiency initiatives. The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) has developed this practical program to enable businesses to identify economic opportunities for energy savings and to develop and implement effective energy management systems. The Workshop will include industry case studies that demonstrate the