NSW EPA has released an issues paper on the review of the NSW Waste Levy and seeks your feedback that…[Read More]
Reforms to Australia’s product stewardship arrangements for all Batteries
A meeting of Australia’s Environment Ministers’ was held recently where Ministers agreed to take urgent action to help prevent potentially…[Read More]
WA’s waste infrastructure plan
The WA Government has released WA’s State waste infrastructure plan that provides a long-term information framework, and principles, to guide decision…[Read More]
WA Draft Waste Strategy: Comment sought
The WA Government seeks your feedback on WA’s draft Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (waste strategy) that sets…[Read More]
Proposals for 3 new mandates for the collection of source-separated food organics and garden organics (FOGO) waste: Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback on the proposals for 3 new mandates for the collection of source-separated food organics and…[Read More]
Review of NSW waste levy issues paper: Comment sought
NSW EPA is seeking feedback on the operation of the NSW waste levy – the primary instrument for reducing waste…[Read More]
Technical Reports on soil arsenic concentrates in Bendigo area
EPA Victoria has released the –Technical Reports Investigating soil arsenic concentrations across Bendigo and theTechnical Report on Arsenic bioaccessibility in…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Effluent Dispersal and Recycling Systems
EPA Victoria has released new Guidelines for Effluent dispersal and recycling systems. Effluent dispersal and recycling systems (EDRS) are used…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Onsite Wastewater Management
EPA Victoria has released a new guideline for Onsite Wastewater Management Systems (OWMS), also known as septic systems, manage wastewater…[Read More]
Circular economy risk, consequence and contingency plan
Recycling Victoria has released the first Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan (CERCC Plan), following approval by the Victorian…[Read More]