As reported in the 15 March 2019 edition of this newsletter, Victorian is to have a parliamentary inquiry into recycling…[Read More]
REMINDER: Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into Victoria’s recycling sector: Have your say!
Stage 2 of the changes to QLD Environment Protection (WASTE ERA framework) Amendment Regulations to commence – 1 July 2019
The Queensland Government has advised that Stage 2 of the changes to the Environmental Protection (Waste ERA Framework) Amendment Regulation…[Read More]
Review of the SA Water Industry Act: Have your say!
The South Australia Government is consulting on a review of the Water Industry Act 2012.The Act guides water and sewage…[Read More]
Consultation on Waste data method: Have your say!
The Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) is consulting on methodologies for mandatory reporting under the Waste…[Read More]
EPA Victoria orders recycling facility to cease accepting waste
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has ordered a construction materials recycling facility to stop accepting combustible recyclable and waste…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: $1.4 Million for infrastructure and program
The Western Australian Government has announced $1.4 million in funding for waste and recycling infrastructure and programs.The funding will be…[Read More]
New waste advisory group for WA
A waste advisory group to support reform in Western Australia through advice on waste policy and legislation, has been established.The…[Read More]
Product Stewardship Regulations – gazetted
The Federal Government has gazetted the Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations.The Regulation amends the…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Resource Recovery Infrastructure Fund
The latest round of funding for the Victorian Government Resource Recovery Infrastructure Fund is now open.The round 4 funding offers…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Research Development and Demonstration Grants
Applications are now open for round 2 of the Research, Development and Demonstration grants program, which supports research, development and…[Read More]