FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: E-waste Infrastructure Grants

A reminder that Round 2 of Sustainability Victoria’s E-waste Infrastructure Grants is offering up to $2 million to build Victoria’s…[Read More]

NSW Container Deposit Scheme: Material Recovery Facility Processing Refund Protocol

NSW EPA has released the Container Deposit Scheme:  Material Recovery Facility “Processing Refund Protocol” referred to in the Waste Avoidance…[Read More]

RIS on single use plastic items – Have your say!

The Queensland Government is proposing a ban on the supply of specific single-use plastic products, starting with straws (taking into…[Read More]

COAG agrees on timetable for the ban of exporting recyclable waste

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) met on 13 March 2020 and agreed to progressively ban the export of plastic,…[Read More]

NSW waste and recycling issues paper: Have your say!

The New South Wales Government is seeking feedback on an issues paper on the future of waste and recycling in…[Read More]

REMINDER: NSW Plastics Plan – Have your say!

A reminder that NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is seeking public feedback on the NSW Plastics Plan Discussion…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: To reduce packaging waste to landfill

  Sustainability Victoria has announced a grants program to support organisations in Victoria to reduce packaging waste disposed in landfill.The grants…[Read More]

New EPA Victorian publications apply from 1 July 2020 – Released

   EPA Victoria has released the following new publications that apply from 1 July 2020, when the amendments to the Environment…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Over $1M for local litter

  The New South Wales Government is offering grants to councils, hospitals, universities and other community and industry groups to tackle…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: $24M for Councils to better separate wastes

  The NSW Government has announced $24 million in funding to support local councils and the alternative waste industry improve kerbside…[Read More]

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