Funding through the Great Barrier Reef Foundation is currently open to farmers and organisations across catchment areas from Cairns to…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Improve water quality and reduce sediment reaching the Great Barrier Reef
Waste Reform Consultation: Extended to 15 July 2020
The WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has extended the consultation period of the following two waste reform papers…[Read More]
WA’s container deposit scheme – Deferred
The WA Government has deferred the launch of Western Australia’s container deposit scheme – Containers for Change that was planned…[Read More]
Prosecution for demolition contractor for failing to comply with Clean-up order
A clean-up is set to begin at two sites at Sedan, about 100km north-east of Adelaide, where thousands of tonnes…[Read More]
Factsheets on current waste and recycling
Information for non-healthcare facilities – handling of waste from people with covid-19 The NSW Government this week released a Factsheet on…[Read More]
Future of plastics in NSW – Comment sought
A reminder that the NSW Government is seeking feedback on the future of plastics in NSW including options that will…[Read More]
13 NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils receive funding for community waste project
NSW EPA has awarded $1,092,270 to 13 Local Aboriginal Land Councils for community waste projects that clean up and prevent…[Read More]
GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Diversion of commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste – Applications open
The NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) is offering grants of up to $150,000 through Round 3 Intake…[Read More]
GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Diverting waste from landfill through reuse of civil construction materials – Applications open
The NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) is offering grants of up to $250,000 through the NSW CIVIL…[Read More]
GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund – Materials (paper and cardboard, plastic, glass)
Sustainability Victoria (SV) is offering grants for infrastructure projects (new infrastructure or upgrades) that:• increase the capacity and capability of…[Read More]