EPA Victoria has ordered a Broadmeadows based tyre recycler to stop accepting combustible materials at its tyre processing facility and…[Read More]
Failing to comply under Victorian Waste Management Policy and other regulations has consequences
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Improve food and organic waste recycling
NSW Government is offering funding under the Alternative Waste Technology(AWT) Transition Package to help NSW local councils and the alternative…[Read More]
EPA Victoria enforcement action underway at Landfill
The community in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs have been warned that an increase in odours and smoke from a local landfill…[Read More]
Goulburn to Murray water trade rule review – Comment sought
The Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is seeking your feedback on the proposed changes to the…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE: New national PFAS guidance – Released
The Federal Department of Agriculture Water and Environment has released the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan version 2.0 (PFAS NEMP 2.0).…[Read More]
GRANT OPPORTUNITY: Assistance to businesses to transition to a Circular Economy
The SA Government’s Green Industries is offering the following grants to businesses to assist them to transition to a Circular…[Read More]
Illegal waste and tyre stockpiling – A serious offence
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Environmental Officers from the QLD Department of Environment and Science (DES) will continue to conduct field…[Read More]
Ban on export of plastic, paper, tyres and glass waste: Timeline released
In March 2020, Council of Australian Governments (COAG) made a decision to progressively ban the export of plastic, paper, tyres…[Read More]
Victoria’s landfill levy – Deferred
The Victorian Government will defer the planned increase to the landfill levy until 1 January 2021.This is being achieved in…[Read More]
NSW Waste Strategy on Plastic – Have your say!
Just a reminder that the NSW Government is seeking your comment on the following discussion and issues paper to assist…[Read More]