The Federal Government is investing $1 million for the establishment of a new Product Stewardship Centre of Excellence that is…[Read More]
Plastic packaging seeks accreditation under product stewardship scheme
Following the Federal Government’s revamp of its product stewardship legislation, the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has decided to pursue…[Read More]
National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme co-regulatory arrangements annual reports for 2018-19: Released
The day-to-day operations of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCR) is managed by the following four co-regulatory arrangements…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINE: Stockpiling and financial assurances
EPA SA has released a new guideline that is expected to assist SA EPA in making decisions to impose stockpile…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE released by EPA Victoria
The following new guidance has been released this week by EPA Victoria:· New guidance on managing stockpiles· New guidance on…[Read More]
New waste and recycling system for Victoria: Comment sought
The Victorian Government is working towards establishing a new waste legislation and a waste authority – part of Recycling Victoria…[Read More]
Domestic waste council charges review: Comment sought
Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is seeking feedback on a review of NSW local council domestic waste management service…[Read More]
WA container deposit scheme commences
On 1 October 2020, the WA container deposit scheme ‘Containers for Change’ had commenced.It is estimated that the scheme will…[Read More]
Legislation to encourage use of waste derived materials: Comment sought on discussion paper
The WA Government has released the discussion paper Waste not, want not: Valuing waste as a resource and seeks your…[Read More]
Consequences for non-compliance costs recycler $300,000
A recycling company in Queensland has been fined $300,000 after it pleaded guilty to receiving and disposing of more waste…[Read More]