NEW GUIDANCE – For exporters of glass waste

As Australia now has the new Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 in place, exporters of glass waste are required…[Read More]

Return and Earn scheme a success

NSW EPA Executive Director Liesbet Spanjaard has praised recyclers across NSW with Return and Earn reaching an incredible 5 billion…[Read More]

Proposed streamlined approval for reuse of materials: Comment sought

The Victorian Government is seeking to reduce unnecessary regulatory barriers for recycling in Victoria.  To make it easier for people…[Read More]

GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Recycling Victoria Business Support Fund – Stream 2: Implementation Grants

Sustainability Victoria has grants available through ‘Support Fund: Stream 2: Implementation grants.  The grants will primarily target waste prevention and…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Recycling Victoria Councils Fund

Sustainability Victoria is providing funding under Recycling Victoria Councils Fund which is a 4 year program to support local government…[Read More]

Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020: Passed in Parliament

In December 2020, the Australian Parliament had passed the Federal Government’s waste and recycling laws – the Recycling and Waste…[Read More]

National Waste Report 2020

The National Waste Report 2020 was released in December 2020 that provides the tracking of Australia’s progress in waste as…[Read More]

Stop Food Waste Australia

The Federal Government has unveiled a new $4 million body with the sole focus of reducing the nation’s food waste…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Recycling Modernisation Fund

Funding is available to the private sector, non-government organisations and local government organisations through the Federal Government’s Recycling Modernisation Fund…[Read More]

‘Proposed final’ version of Victoria’s new environmental laws: Released

In mid December 2020, EPA Victoria released the ‘proposed final’ versions of the new subordinate legislation to the Environment Protection…[Read More]

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