NEW GUIDELINES that relate to SA Container Deposit Scheme

The following guidelines, recently released, are available to assist businesses to comply with SA’s Container Deposit Scheme:Beverage container approval –EPA…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Environmental management of dewatering during construction activities

EPA SA has released the new guideline on Environmental management of dewatering during construction activities that advises on the environmental…[Read More]

Waste reporting, record keeping and measurement Standard

EPA SA has released the Waste reporting, record keeping and measurement standard.  Part 6 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2009…[Read More]

Licence for exports of plastic waste: New laws

In early 2020, the Australian, State and Territory governments, including Australian Local Government Association, as members of the former Council…[Read More]

Fire prevention: Combustible Recyclable and Waste Materials – Factsheet released

EPA Victoria has released a fact sheet that summarises some information contained within the Management and storage of combustible recyclable and…[Read More]

Waste and recycling management during Covid-19 lockdown in NSW

NSW EPA has released the following information for businesses relating to waste management:Coronavirus (COVID-19) Keeping waste and recycling facilities openCoronavirus…[Read More]

Waste depots in SA: New mass balance reporting regulations effective 1 July 2021

Mass balance reporting (MBR) regulations came into effect from 1 July 2021 following extensive engagement and consultation with the waste…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Recycling in Queensland – Now open

The Federal and QLD Governments will each invest $20 million in the $40 million Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) with QLD…[Read More]

Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030: Action Plan 2021–22

The WA Government’s Waste Authority has released the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy Action Plan 2021-22 that clarifies the specific actions,…[Read More]

Roads to Reuse Pilot Report: Recovery and reuse of construction and demolition materials back into civil works

The Waste Authority released the Roads to Reuse Pilot Report in June 2021.  The report provides key findings of the Roads to Reuse…[Read More]

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