Ban on plastics in NSW: Legislation passes in NSW Parliament

The Plastic Reduction and Circular Economy Act 2021 was passed in the NSW Parliament on 16 November 2021.  The legislation…[Read More]

Understanding Asbestos and its Hazards

Asbestos is present in numerous Australian homes and buildings and therefore it is important to know where to look for…[Read More]

Bushfire Recovery Programs

The NSW Government has released five programs to help deal with waste and damage in the ongoing clean up from…[Read More]

Reef Protection Regulations

From 1 December 2021, the Reef protection regulations will continue to roll-out in more QLD regions, and with new requirements…[Read More]

Outcomes of the recent WA Waste Authority meeting

WA’s Waste Authority held its November meeting on 10 November 2021.  Key outcomes of the meeting are as follows:The release…[Read More]

Waste tyres exporters to apply for licences

Australia’s ban on the export of whole baled waste tyres will commence on 1 December 2021 and exporters requiring a licence…[Read More]

Proposed Lead Compliance Code – Comment sought

WorkSafe Victoria has released the proposed Lead Compliance Code on behalf of the Victorian Government for comment.The Code provides practical…[Read More]

Regulation of waste tyres on farms – Comment sought

The Victorian Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP) is conducting a Survey on the number and uses of waste…[Read More]

GRANT OPPORTUNITY: To improve the management and recovery of hazardous waste

Sustainability Victoria has available grants to businesses (local and international) and local governments through Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund – Hazardous…[Read More]

Independent review of EPA’s Resource Recovery Framework

An independent review of the EPA’s Resource Recovery Framework is underway.  The Resource Recovery Framework aims to divert materials derived from…[Read More]

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