Turning waste textiles into cement

Sustainability Victoria has announced partnership between Victoria University and social enterprise Assembled Threads as they have developed an innovative solution to…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Asbestos Disposal Point Grants

Sustainability Victoria (SV) is providing funding under the Asbestos Disposal Point (ADP) Grants program to help local government and/or industry…[Read More]

Proposed guideline for operating organic waste processing facilities: Comment sought

EPA Victoria has released for feedback a proposed guideline for operating organic waste processing facilities.The new guideline is being developed…[Read More]

Converting ethanol from agricultural waste into jet fuel

The Federal Government is supporting a homegrown sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) project that is expected to convert ethanol – made…[Read More]

Reform of Packaging Regulation: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is exploring the best way to reform Australia’s packaging…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: WasteSorted grants open for organics recycling infrastructure

Organics recycling and processing operators in WA can now apply for grants to support the WA’s uptake of Food Organics,…[Read More]

WA Plan for Plastics: Single-use plastic bans 2022-25

The WA Government and National Retail Association have developed a comprehensive guide specifically for business on single-ban plastic bans.  The…[Read More]

Proposed reforms for SA’s container deposit scheme (CDS): Comment sought

EPA SA is proposing reforms to SA’s container deposit scheme (CDS) and has released the draft Environment Protection (Beverage Container…[Read More]

More single-use plastic bans for SA commence 1 September 2024

On 1 September 2024, the next stage of SA’s single-use plastic bans commenced.Plastics that are now banned from sale, supply…[Read More]

NSW Plastics: The Way Forward: Comment sought

NSW EPA has released the draft NSW Plastics: The Way Forward paper for comment on the actions and timeframes proposed…[Read More]

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