In an effort for Queensland to reach its waste and resource recovery targets, several changes have been made to the…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Recycling Victoria Organics Markets Fund
The Victorian Government has announced funding for Victorian businesses under the Recycling Victoria Organics Markets Fund to support projects that…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Neighbourhood-scale battery trial projects
The Victorian government is providing funding to Victorian organisations to help unlock the role that neighbourhood batteries can play in…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORUNITY: Waste to Energy Fund – Bioenergy Stream 1 – Project development
Sustainability Victoria is providing funding under the Waste to Energy Fund: Bioenergy – Stream 1 Project development to research institutions,…[Read More]
Proposed 5-year roadmap ban of additional single-use plastic items
The Qld government has released a proposed Five-year roadmap for action on single-use plastic items as it plans to ban…[Read More]
Radiation Protection and Control Regulations 2022: Comment sought
EPA SA regulates, monitors and advises on radiation use in SA. A new Radiation Protection and Control Act 2021 (RPC Act) will come into…[Read More]
WA ban on single plastic items ramps up
The Western Australian Government is implementing a state-wide ban on the supply of certain plastic items, enforceable from 1 July…[Read More]
Variation to the Method for Source Separated Organic Waste: Comment sought
The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC) have released for comment a draft methodology variation under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)…[Read More]
NSW Budget for 2022-23 for Environment
The NSW Government has released the 2022-23 NSW budget for environment and heritage. Some key highlights include:$598 million over 10…[Read More]
Study on NSW Key Littered Items (KLIS) for 2020-21: Report released
NSW EPA has released the report 2020 Key Littered Items Study NSW Report that details the findings from a study…[Read More]