Funding for new infrastructure and programs to reduce waste and increase recycling in WAFunding is available under WasteSorted Grants –…[Read More]
EPA Vic commences removal of potentially hazardous waste at Sunshine North site
EPA Victoria are investigating how waste was left at a site in McIntyre Road, Sunshine North that includes a range…[Read More]
Extended: Flood programs for the clearing of debris and hazardous chemicals from land and waterways
NSW EPA has announced an extension of EPA’s flood recovery programs in order to further assist businesses and the community…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES released for Container Deposit scheme
EPA SA has released the following guidelines that relate to the Container Deposit scheme and intended to assist those participating…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Waste to Energy Bioenergy – Stream 2: Project Infrastructure
Sustainability Victoria (SV) is supporting bioenergy project developers through the Waste to Energy Fund: Bioenergy in order to support the…[Read More]
New energy from waste regulation: Commenced 8 July 2022
In NSW, the new energy from waste Regulation came into effect on 8 July 2022. The Protection of the Environment Operations (General)…[Read More]
Better Regulation Statement: Released by NSW EPA
NSW EPA has released the Better Regulation Statement that considers how the better regulation principles apply to the Protection of…[Read More]
Advanced sonar program to locate hazardous submerged debris as result of NSW floods
NSW EPA has released a statement regarding the new advanced sonar program that has started surveying NSW rivers for hazardous…[Read More]
Plastic single-use straws – exemptions guidance
From 1 November 2022, the supply of plastic single-use straws will be banned in NSW unless you are an individual with a…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Eligible Waste Fuels
NSW EPA has released guidelines that relate to the list of Eligible Waste Fuels as outlined in the NSW Energy…[Read More]