New statistics have been released on State, Territory and National greenhouse gas emissions by the Federal Department of Climate Change…[Read More]
Victoria’s Waste Policy Review – discussion paper released – comment sought
A discussion paper on Victoria’s Waste Policy Review was released by the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment for comment. …[Read More]
QLD Government to review water licensing
The Acting Director-General of the QLD Department of Natural Resources and Mines has referred to the Crime and Misconduct Commission…[Read More]
Environmental and health performance of waste to energy facilities
WA’s Waste Authority and EPA WA have been asked by the WA Minister for Environment to work together to provide…[Read More]
Australian Packaging Covenant Action Plan released
The SA EPA has released the Australian Packaging Covenant Action Plan July 2010 – June 2015. This is the SA…[Read More]
TAFE’s carbon neutral status an Australian first
The Sunshine Coast TAFE has become the first educational organisation in Australia to be certified Carbon Neutral. Carbon neutral certification…[Read More]
EPA NSW prosecutes environment consultant
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has commenced six criminal proceedings in the Land and Environment Court against Aargus Pty…[Read More]
Requirements for publishing pollution monitoring data
NSW EPA has released a document outlining the requirements for publishing pollution monitoring data which provides details that environment protection…[Read More]
List of liable entities for carbon pricing mechanism to be published
The Clean Energy Regulator commenced operations on 2 April 2012. It is the Federal Government body responsible for administering legislation…[Read More]
Impact of a carbon price on landfill sites
Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus had released a media release this week regarding the…[Read More]