Workshops and webinar shows implementation of Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) projects

Webinar  The Clean Energy Regulator has made available webinars for environmental plantings, piggeries or landfill projects to assist you in…[Read More]

NSW councils receive funding to reduce waste

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker has announced that 72 councils in NSW will share in $38.7 million from the NSW…[Read More]

Inspections planned for north-western NSW landfills

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is embarking on the next stage of its program aimed at improving waste management…[Read More]

Underground bin trial in Sydney

Residents of a Darlinghurst street will soon be dropping their rubbish and recycling down roadside chutes in an Australia-first trial…[Read More]

New Illegal Dumping squad for southern Sydney

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker this week announced the establishment of a new Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) squad for the…[Read More]

Operating illegal waste facilities risks heavy penalties

Recent court penalties should act as a reminder to all waste operators they must abide by the law the NSW…[Read More]

Major retailer provides 140 free recycling drop-off stations

As part of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, Harvey Norman stores are providing 140 of its selected stores…[Read More]

Alterations to Illegal waste dumping Bill

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker has announced the NSW Government will introduce legislation to Parliament to crack down on illegal…[Read More]

Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) Amendment Regulation 2013 – effective 21 May 2013

The Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1) came into effect on 21 May 2013, following consultation…[Read More]

Farm waste management guidelines

EPA Victoria has identified issues with farm waste management in north eastern Victorian and reminds businesses of their environmental responsibility…[Read More]

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