Sewerage seep continues.

The NSW EPA is continuing to work with Wollongong City Council, Sydney Water and Crown Lands to determine the cause…[Read More]

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority approves dredge spoil dumping.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority would support the use of an alternative dredge spoil dumping site, if one…[Read More]

Former wastewater lagoons transformed into wetlands.

Former lagoons which once stored treated wastewater from SA Water’s Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant have been transformed into a…[Read More]

Upgrade of recycling sites

The Victorian Government will provide additional funding of $95,000 to 7 Councils for the upgrade of recycling sites for TV…[Read More]

New proposed rules for the waste-tyre industry

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker has announced a plan to lower the threshold for the storage of waste tyres. Ms…[Read More]

New methodology – Native Forest from Managed Regrowth – released

A new methodology, Native Forest from Managed Regrowth, has been released that allows farmers and land managers who have historically…[Read More]

Waste levy trial for asbestos removal – interest in pilot scheme sought

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker has announced the NSW Government has committed $3 million to trialling a Householders’ Asbestos Disposal…[Read More]

Waste and Resource Recovery Grants now available

The NSW Government has announced the availability of $40.6 million of grants that are part of the Government’s $465.7 million…[Read More]

Funding boost for recycling infrastructure

South Australia’s Sustainability, Environment and Conservation Minister Ian Hunter has announced grants have been awarded to six companies to improve…[Read More]

Undertaking an environmental planting project

The Clean Energy Regulator has developed a number of resources to assist companies and individuals undertaking an environmental plantings project…[Read More]

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