The Federal Department of the Environment has released the National Waste Reporting 2013 which is an online resource, developed by…[Read More]
Data on how Australia is managing its waste – National Waste Reporting 2013.
Roadside Litter Project.
The Queensland Government has joined forces with local councils and other organisations in a bit to reduce roadside litter in…[Read More]
Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper.
Submissions to the Federal Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) green paper have closed. The green paper detailed the Government’s plans…[Read More]
Landfill levy temporarily exempt in bushfire affected regions.
Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith this week announced that areas, in regional Victoria that have been…[Read More]
Oyster industry to recycle buckets.
South Australia’s oyster industry is looking at how to reuse its old plastic oyster baskets. About 2.5 million baskets…[Read More]
2013-14 compliance year – Obligations for carbon pricing mechanism.
The Clean Energy Regulator is reminding liable entities, under the carbon pricing mechanism, that they must continue to meet their…[Read More]
Consultation on Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI).
The Climate Change Authority is conducting a study of the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) and is keen to consult with…[Read More]
Federal Government seeks your input to replace carbon tax.
In late December 2013, the Federal Government released, for public comment, the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper outlining its preferred…[Read More]
New tyre product stewardship scheme – launched.
A new Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme has been launched to help tackle the issue surrounding environmental challenges arising from used…[Read More]
Energy from Waste (EfW) guidelines – released.
The Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith released, in December 2013, the Energy from Waste (EfW) guideline…[Read More]