Recycling data released

NSW households are sending less waste to landfill, but recycling rates still need to improve if the State is going…[Read More]

Amendments to best practice environmental management for landfills

EPA Victoria has made some minor amendments to the Best practice environmental management – Siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of…[Read More]

New rebate program to boost business recycling

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has announced a new rebate program which will provide businesses with rebates…[Read More]

GRANT OPPORTUNITY: Grant for councils to fund landfill consolidation and environmental improvements

NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Environmental Trust are calling for local councils to apply for a share of…[Read More]

Feasibility study of Product Stewardship for End-of-Life Refrigerators and Air Conditioners with small gas charges

The Federal Department of Environment is undertaking a study to explore the feasibility of a product stewardship approach for end-of-life…[Read More]

Waste levy review to go to natural resource management

The New South Wales Government will provide $79.5 million from waste levy revenue to its regional Local Land Services (LLS)…[Read More]

Transitioning from the Carbon Farming Initiative to the Emissions Reduction Fund

The Clean Energy Regulator confirmed this week that if you are running an eligible offsets project in the Carbon Farming…[Read More]

GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Waste and recycling infrastructure in NSW

The NSW EPA and the Environmental Trust are calling for applications for a share of $43.1 million to accelerate and…[Read More]

GRANT OPPORTUNITY: Metal recycler shredder floc grant applications close 30 September 2014

Eligible metal recyclers have until 30 September 2014 to apply for their share in $5 million to boost shredder floc…[Read More]

Draft Storage of Waste Tyres – Regulatory Impact Statement – open for comment

Draft regulations providing guidance for the safe and efficient storage of used waste tyres have been released for public consultation.…[Read More]

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