WA Department of Environment Regulatioin (DER) is seeking feedback on the Draft Environmental Standard: Assessing leachates from waste-derived materials. A…[Read More]
Draft Environmental Standard: Assessing leachates from waste-derived materials – Comment sought
Draft Manufacturing Fill: Addendum to the Draft Guideline: Submitting an application for the use of waste-derived materials – Comment sought
The WA Department of Environment Regulatioin (DER) is seeking feedback on the Draft Manufactured Fill: Addendum to the draft Guideline:…[Read More]
Paint and batteries remain on Product Stewardship list
Federal Minister for the Environment Greg Hunt has published the annual list of classes of products he is proposing to…[Read More]
Container Deposit Scheme Advisory Committee
NSW Environment Minister Mark Speakman has announced the members of the committee to advise the NSW Government on the design…[Read More]
GUIDELINES – Updated landfill levy guidelines
EPA Victoria has released a new information bulletin on calculating landfill levies and recycling rebates. The bulletin is designed to…[Read More]
Biodiversity reforms and Container Deposit Scheme to commence 1 July 2017
The NSW Budget has earmarked $7 million to fund biodiversity reforms and $2.65 million towards a container deposit scheme which…[Read More]
E-waste recycling target overhauled
Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has announced the recycling target, under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, will be…[Read More]
NSW EPA commercial and industrial waste audit report – Released
The NSW EPA has released the Disposal-based audit: Commercial and industrial waste stream in the regulated areas of New South…[Read More]
New Waste Plan for Victoria announced
Victorian Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, Anthony Carbines, announced late last week, a new statewide waste and resource recovery system that…[Read More]
GRANT – Organics Market Development Grants – Now open
NSW EPA has announced its Organics Market Development Grants program is now open. For the first time, councils, businesses, government…[Read More]