Interim National Packaging Covenant CEO announced

The National Packaging Covenant Industry Association (NPCIA) has announced David Carter will step in as interim CEO, following the resignation…[Read More]

Power tool battery recycling trial commences

The Queensland Government has joined the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative (ABRI) in a power tool recycling trial that will run…[Read More]

Quarry operator fined for causing serious harm

A major Queensland quarrying company has been fined $250,000 in the Brisbane Magistrates Court after pleading guilty to a number…[Read More]

Waste industry compliance investigation taskforce

The Queensland Government has joined forces with the waste management industry, including the Waste Recycling Industry Association Queensland, to set…[Read More]

National Plan for Asbestos Management – Released

Federal Employment Minister Eric Abetz has released the National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Management and Awareness 2014 –18. It is…[Read More]

Waste guidelines for building owners and property managers

The Sydney-based Better Buildings Partnership (BBP) has released comprehensive Operational Waste Guidelines to assist building owners and property managers to…[Read More]

Unlawfully storing asbestos at site – PIN issued

A commercial waste operator has been issued a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) of $11,385 for unlawfully storing a large quantity…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES – The movement of Prescribed Industrial Waste (PIW)

EPA Victoria has issued new Guidance on the movement of prescribed industrial waste (PIW) from Victoria. The interstate movement of…[Read More]

GUIDELINES: Siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of landfills

EPA Victoria has updated its guidance to the siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of landfills, which replaces its October 2014…[Read More]

Protocol for reporting sewer spills – Guide for water corporations

EPA Victoria has released a sewer spill notification protocol which serves as a guide for water corporations and the regulator…[Read More]

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