FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: E-waste Infrastructure Grants Program

The WA Government implemented a statewide ban on e-waste disposal to landfill on 1 July 2024. E-waste includes items with a…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Round 2 of Carbon Innovation Grants: Program opens

The WA Government is providing funding through Round 2 of the Carbon Innovation Grants Program to support WA heavy industries…[Read More]

New waste funding for SA Councils

Green Industries SA has announced two new funding opportunities for Councils to manage waste – The Council Modernisation funding for councils is…[Read More]

Recycled Water Roadmap for NSW: Comment sought

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking inputs on the draft New South Wales Recycled…[Read More]

New Factsheet on Managing Plastic Feedstock: Released

EPA Victoria has released a new Fact Sheet on Managing plastic feedstock.   Plastic feedstock is the raw material such as flakes,…[Read More]

Export of waste from Australia data – January to June 2024

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has released information that shows data on waste exported…[Read More]

Monitoring and testing for PFAS in organic material processing: Information Sheet Released

The QLD Government has released an Information sheet on Monitoring and testing for PFAS in organic material processing (composting) to…[Read More]

Pollution washes up as blackballs on NSW beaches

NSW EPA has been working closely with NSW Maritime, Randwick City Council, and scientists to determine the origin of thousands…[Read More]

Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan: Released

Recycling Victoria released the Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan (CERCC Plan) that came into force on 9 May…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Responsible Entity Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

Recycling Victoria has prepared guidance and resources to support responsible entities to prepare their Responsible Entity Risk, Consequence and Contingency…[Read More]

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