The Irrigation Modernisation Planning Assistance Program aims at assisting irrigation water providers to develop modernisation plans for their districts that…[Read More]
Sustainable practices
Premier’s Sustainability Awards 2012
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards which acknowledge leadership, innovation and achievement across business,…[Read More]
Inquiry into barriers to mineral and energy resource exploration
The Federal Government has requested the Productivity Commission to undertake a 12 month Inquiry into “the non-financial barriers to mineral…[Read More]
Revising guide for up to date floor risk information for infrastructure development
An agreement has been signed between Geoscience Australia and Engineers Australia to revise the Australian Rainfall and Runoff guide to…[Read More]
Recycling chemical containers and safe disposal of unwanted chemicals
Just a reminder that there are a couple of programs available that recycle unwanted chemical containers, as well as collect…[Read More]
Reinvesting Victoria’s landfill levy
The Victorian Government has announced 9 successful recipients (see below) who will receive grants through the Beyond Waste Fund that…[Read More]
New national legislation effective 1 Oct 2012 – Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) legislation
The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) legislation is expected to come into effect on 1 October 2012, after passing…[Read More]
Recycling drop off site for TVs, computer, printers and computer products
Over the next 18 months, recycling drop off points for the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme will expand in…[Read More]
Study on geothermal potential
The South Australian Centre for Geothermal Energy Research, at the University of Adelaide, will receive a grant of $1.25 million…[Read More]
SA EPA Board Round-table 2012 summary report available
The SA Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released a summary report on its June 14 round-table conference. This year’s theme,…[Read More]