EPA’s position on provision of financial assurance for licences and works approvals

EPA Victoria has released a draft statement of position that explains the way EPA Victoria intends to apply financial assurances…[Read More]

Water and Sewerage Pricing Reform: Draft Report

The Essential Services Commission of SA (ESCOSA) has released a draft report for public consultation, putting forward a broad suite…[Read More]

Carbon tax survives Senate vote

An amended bill, that addresses the concerns of the Palmer United Party (PUP), is expected to be presented to the…[Read More]

Changes to ASX sustainability disclosure

The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) has released changes to the third edition of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations under…[Read More]

Streamlining environmental assessment process between Commonwealth and ACT

The Commonwealth and ACT Governments have signed a new assessment bilaterial agreement in order to remove duplication and provide a…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Permit to transport Prescribed Industrial Waste (PIW)

EPA Victoria has released the Permit to transport prescribed industrial waste (PIW) guideline. Owners of vehicles used for the transport…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Design, Installation and Management requirements for underground petroleum storage systems (UPSSs)

A new guideline has been released by EPA Victoria on the Design, installation and management requirements for underground petroleum storage…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Accredited Licensee system for applicants

EPA Victoria has released Guidelines for applicants: Accredited Licensee System. The accredited licensee system aims to achieve environmental improvements through…[Read More]

Instructions for completing works approval, licence and licence amendment applications

EPA Victoria has released instructions for completing works approval, licence and licence amendment applications. The instructions are to assist applicants…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Works Approval

EPA Victoria has released an updated Guidelines for Works Approval. The works approval guidelines have been updated to make applying…[Read More]

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