The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is undertaking further community consultation on the Paper Australia Pty Ltd (Australian Paper) proposal…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES – Conducting audits of wind energy facilities
The Victorian Environment Protection Authority has released guidelines to assist environmental auditors appointed under the Environment Protection Act 1970 to…[Read More]
Updated documentation for project-based activities for VEET scheme
The Victorian Essential Services Commission has released updated documentation for project-based activities under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target scheme using…[Read More]
NSW EPA to apply a robust approach to calculating and recovering Monetary Benefits as part of offenders’ sentencing package
Further to AEBN ENW e-news article of 14 September, NSW EPA released a framework to seek Monetary Benefits Orders (MBOs)…[Read More]
Australian Dangerous Goods Code – Version 7.6 (ADG 7.6)
As reported in the AEBN ENW 8 June 2018 edition, the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by…[Read More]
Victorian Industrial waste resource regulations update: Current regulations remain in effect until 2020
With the new Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 (the Amendment Act) becoming law recently, it will now introduce a new framework…[Read More]
Final update to hazardous substances compliance code – Released
Worksafe Victoria has released the final July 2018 updated version of the Compliance code: Hazardous substances.The updated code provides practical…[Read More]
Compliance Management Framework – Released by NSW EPA
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released its Compliance Management Framework.The framework outlines the policies and procedures…[Read More]
New biodiversity regulations for WA
The Western Australian Government has published the Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2018 in the Government Gazette.The new regulations will allow for…[Read More]
WA Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 – Amendments released
The Western Australian Government has released an information sheet summarising the amendments made to the WA Dangerous Goods Safety (Road…[Read More]