Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) joined Parliamentary Secretary for Industry the Hon Bob Baldwin MP at the official opening…[Read More]
Renewable and clean energy sources
Draft report on regulated gas prices and solar feed-in tariffs
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released its draft decisions on average regulated retail gas prices for…[Read More]
Solar farm to power Tathra sewage works
The Bega Valley Shire Council and local renewable energy group Clean Energy for Eternity have turned the first sods on…[Read More]
Ministerial ‘call-in’ for proposed wind farm near Mareeba
The Queensland Government will consider a ministerial ‘call in’ of the development application for a proposed wind farm near Mareeba…[Read More]
Renewable Energy Target Review – Have your say!
The Expert Panel appointed to undertake the Renewable Energy Target (RET) Review is seeking your feedback on issues relevant to…[Read More]
Changes to solar feed-in tariff – Effective 1 July 2014.
Queensland’s Solar Bonus Scheme will undergo changes from 1 July 2014. As announced in 2012, the mandated eight cent…[Read More]
Solar systems to be sold off.
Ergon Energy will sell its solar systems to Magnetic Island customers who took part in a five-year trial under the…[Read More]
Wind farm health link.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has released a draft information paper examining the evidence relating to the…[Read More]
Guidance for Wind Farm developments.
The WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released a bulletin on wind farm developments. The bulletin aims to: …[Read More]
Terms of Reference released for Renewable Energy Target (RET) review.
Federal Minister for Environment, Greg Hunt has released the Terms of Reference for a review into the Renewable Energy Target…[Read More]