Renewable and clean energy sources

Two new wind farms for Victoria

Two new wind farms will be built in regional Victoria after winning a Victorian Government tender for large-scale renewable energy…[Read More]

World’s largest solar project – completed

The largest off-grid solar photovoltaic (PV) system in the world and one of the largest solar plants providing peak power…[Read More]

Final decision for voluntary solar feed-in tariffs for 2016-17

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released its final benchmark range for voluntary solar feed-in tariffs for 2016-17…[Read More]

Solar project backed by Australian Renewable Energy Agency – breaks world record

A new solar cell configuration developed by engineers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has pushed sunlight-to-electricity conversion…[Read More]

National life cycle assessment approach for supported bioenergy projects – Comment sought

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is establishing a national life cycle assessment (LCA) approach for ARENA-supported bioenergy (including biofuel) projects.An…[Read More]

Energy storage roadmap – Development of new standards and guidelines

Standards Australia, with the support of the COAG Energy Council, has begun developing an energy storage roadmap. The work will…[Read More]

Commercial feasibility on large scale grid-connected energy storage – Report released

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has released a new report which examines the commercial feasibility of large scale grid-connected…[Read More]

Underground coal gasification – banned in Queensland

The Queensland Government this week banned underground coal gasification due to its environmental impact.QLD State Development Minister and Minister for…[Read More]

Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) finance for wind energy company

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has announced it will provide $8 million in finance to Canberra-based global wind energy…[Read More]

GasFields Commission review

Submissions to the review of Queensland’s GasFields Commission close on Friday 22 April 2016. This review is investigating the current…[Read More]

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