NSW EPA is seeking comments on the Draft Industrial Noise Guideline which is intended to replace the Industrial Noise Policy.…[Read More]
State Environment Protection Policies (SEPPs) for noise report – Released
EPA Victoria has released Stakeholder responses to the review of Victoria’s State Environment Protection Policies (SEPP) for Noise. This report…[Read More]
DRAFT GUIDELINE Industrial Noise – Comment sought
The NSW EPA has reviewed the NSW Industrial Noise Policy and is now inviting members from the community, industry and…[Read More]
Major review of EPA Victoria announced
The Victorian Government has announced a major public inquiry into the EPA Victoria that will commence on 1 June 2015.…[Read More]
Noise State Environment Protection Policies (SEPPs) review reminder – Comment sought
Just a reminder that the Noise SEPPs review discussion paper is currently open for comment until 15 October 2014. The…[Read More]
Mitigating Aircraft noise – consultation commences
Aircraft noise is an inevitable by-product of aircraft operations. In Australia there are a range of legislative and other controls…[Read More]
Review of State Environment Protection Policies for Noise – Discussion paper released for comment
The Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) and EPA Victoria are undertaking a review of the following State…[Read More]
Dealing with residential noise guidance
EPA Victoria has released the updated Annoyed by noise – a guide to dealing with residential noise guidance. The guide…[Read More]
EPA SA releases Waterloo wind farm noise report
The SA Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released its report on the Waterloo Wind Farm Noise Study undertaken during April…[Read More]
EPA regulatory impact statement for vehicle emissions
EPA Victoria has released a regulatory impact statement which deals with ‘clean air’ and the ‘control of noise’. The EPA…[Read More]