Proposed variation to coal mine waste gas method: Comment sought

The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee is seeking your comment on a proposed variation to the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative–Coal…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES to support the Environment Protection Act 2017

Further to last week’s release of new Guidelines to support the Environment Protection Act 20217 (the Act), this week additional…[Read More]

NEW GUIDANCE on regulation of mines

The NSW Environment Protection Authority has released a guide on how it regulates mines.The EPA is one of the agencies…[Read More]

Amendments to the Mining Act 1978: Have your say!

The WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) is seeking feedback on proposed amendments to the Mining Act…[Read More]

How mines are regulated in NSW

NSW EPA has released a factsheet that provides information on how mines are regulated in NSW.  The information outlines that multiple…[Read More]

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