Amendments to Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations

Amendments to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 were made on 24 February 2012 to include 7 additional eligible emissions-intensive…[Read More]

Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator amalgamates into the Clean Energy Regulator

  From 2 April 2012, the Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER) will amalgamate into the Clean Energy Regulator.…[Read More]

Environmental Protection Regulations amendment to streamline small business

Small businesses, ranging from small abattoirs through to food curing activities and small plastics manufacturers, will no longer face the…[Read More]

Environmental Impact Assessment Administrative Procedures 2010 – Comment sought

The WA EPA is inviting comment on a review of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) administrative procedures that describe principles and…[Read More]

WA Petroleum Environment Regulations consultation

Consultation is closing soon on the new draft petroleum and geothermal environmental regulations. The WA Department of Mines and Petroleum…[Read More]

Landfill gas and development near landfills

SA EPA has released a new information sheet on the hazards of landfill gas and nearby development. It is designed…[Read More]

Development pressures on Barrier Reef to be assessed

After UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee (WHC) expressed concerns about potential impacts of coastal development on the Great Barrier Reef Marine…[Read More]

Draft planning guidelines for Wind farms

The Draft NSW Planning Guidelines: Wind Farms have been prepared with a focus on “up-front consultation, clear development approval processes…[Read More]

Inquiry makes recommendations on Orica incident

The select committee report into Orica’s chromium IV leak on August 8, 2011 has produced 24 separate findings and has…[Read More]

Waste and Environment Levy review

In January 2012, NSW Minister for the Environment, Robyn Parker announced an independent review of the waste and environment levy.…[Read More]

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