Vision and Action Plan of EPA Victoria

EPA Victoria has released its Vision and Action plan, Partnering for a Healthy Environment, that discusses EPA Victoria’s 5 Year…[Read More]

Noise Regulation – Western Power Transmission Substations Noise Emissions

EPA WA has completed its assessment of the application to amend the Environmental Protection (Western Power Transmission Substation Noise Emissions)…[Read More]

Victoria rejects new emissions intensity restrictions

Late last year, the Federal Minister for Resource and Energy, Martin Ferguson, announced that the Federal Government will no longer…[Read More]

EPA Victoria fines Council for breach of licence

Glenelg Shire Council has been fined by EPA Victoria for failing to comply with its specialist licence conditions that requires…[Read More]

Changes to Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER) from 2 April 2012

The Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER) will be amalgamated into the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) from Monday 2…[Read More]

Guidelines for managing pesticides rinsate now available

The NSW EPA has produced a set of guidelines for the management of pesticide rinsate. Rinsate occurs as a result…[Read More]

NSW Government announces NSW EPA Board

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker has announced a new Chair and Board of the EPA. “The Board will provide leadership…[Read More]

Draft Guidelines for Separation Distances for Composting Facilities – release

EPA Victoria has released draft guidelines for Separation Distances for Composting Facilities to provide guidance to operators of commercial composting…[Read More]

Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations 2012

– comment sought EPA Victoria has released the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations 2012 for comment…[Read More]

New water purchasing initiative for southern connected Murray-Darling Basin

On 23 February 2012, the Federal Water Minister, Tony Burke announced that a new targeted water purchasing initiative will be…[Read More]

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