Clean Energy Regulator announces 2nd phase of liable entities under carbon pricing mechanism

The second phase of the Liable Entities Public Information Database (LEPID), that lists entities that are likely to be liable…[Read More]

Survey released to benefit mining and exploration companies

A new report was released this week that is expected to provide detailed information for the mining and exploration sectors…[Read More]

National Framework for Compliance and Enforcement Systems for Water Resource Management

The Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment and Water will work with all state and territory governments, over 5 years, to…[Read More]

EPA Victoria releases new policy of enforcement process

EPA Victoria has released new policy that applies to enforcement activity – EPA’s use of injunctions as an enforcement tool…[Read More]

Final report on study into domestic and international fate of end of life tyres

A Final Report on the study into domestic and international fate of end-of-life tyres has been released. The report, undertaken…[Read More]

National Energy Efficiency Bill introduced to parliament

Greenhouse & Energy Minimum Standards Bill 2012  Following an agreement by the Australian Government, New Zealand Government and states and…[Read More]

Draft NSW Native Vegetation Regulation

NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker released on Tuesday the draft Native Vegetation Regulation 2012 for public consultation. “We’ve been listening…[Read More]

Changes to QLD Environmental Approvals

QLD Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection, Andrew Powell, recently announced the Newman government’s plan to change environmental approvals ...Read More

Draft standards and best practice guidelines for vapour recovery at petrol service stations

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is proposing changes to the vapour recovery guidelines. The changes are contained…[Read More]

EPA Victoria to blitz Horsham industries

EPA Victoria will this month perform checks in the Horsham area to assess how industry is performing against expected environmental standards.…[Read More]

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