New restrictions in place for arsenic-treated timber in NSW

New restrictions on the use of copper chrome arsenate (CCA) for treating timber have come into place from July 1,…[Read More]

Proposed Radiation Control Regulation 2012: Regulatory Impact Statement

The NSW Environment Protection Authority is proposing a new Regulation to replace the current Radiation Control Regulation 2003, which is…[Read More]

Minister Burke introduces water amendment Bill to Federal Parliament

Federal Minister for Water, Tony Burke, this week introduced to Federal Parliament the Water Amendment (Long-term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit…[Read More]

Inquiry into barriers to mineral and energy resource exploration

The Federal Government has requested the Productivity Commission to undertake a 12 month Inquiry into “the non-financial barriers to mineral…[Read More]

Revising guide for up to date floor risk information for infrastructure development

An agreement has been signed between Geoscience Australia and Engineers Australia to revise the Australian Rainfall and Runoff guide to…[Read More]

Changes to Feed-in Tariffs

The Victoria Department of Primary Industries has announced changes to the Transitional, Standard and Premium Feed-in Tariffs.  For details of…[Read More]

Sustainability Victoria’s new 3 year strategic plan

A new 3 year strategic plan for Sustainability Victoria, SV2015, was released by Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change,…[Read More]

Victoria’s future air quality interim report released

EPA Victoria is working with CSIRO on a project to investigate the likely trends in Victoria’s air quality over the…[Read More]

New committee to advise Victorian Minister on harmonised framework on coal seam gas

The Victorian Government has released details of the new Earth Resources Ministerial Advisory Council which is expected to provide advice…[Read More]

WA’s Strategic Energy Initiative Energy2013

The WA Government has released WA’s Strategic Energy Initiative Energy2031 which is the blueprint for the long term development of…[Read More]

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