NSW EPA enforcement program targets the waste-tyre industry

As part of the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) strategic waste enforcement and compliance operations, the EPA will target the…[Read More]

Legislation to allow access to decommissioned gas wells

The QLD Government has amended legislation to make it easier for decommissioned petroleum and gas wells to be converted into…[Read More]

Proposed regulatory changes to Energy Efficiency Opportunieis program – comment sought by 31 May 2013

An independent external review, undertaken by ACIL Tasman, on the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) program was released this week. The…[Read More]

Riverina small businesses reduce energy bills

Small business owners across the Riverina will save more than $980,000 a year off power bills, according to the NSW…[Read More]

State-wide consultation on new planning system

The NSW Government has launched a state-wide consultation process for community, councils and industry to get involved in the state’s…[Read More]

Proposed regulatory changes to Energy Efficiency Opportunities program – comment sought by 31 May 2013

An independent external review, undertaken by ACIL Tasman, on the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) program was released this week. The…[Read More]

Management of chemical environmental risks – Opportunity to participate in consultation process

COAG’s Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) on options for developing and implementing nationally consistent decisions to manage the environmental risks of…[Read More]

Guide on Managing Units in the National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU)

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the ANREU User Guide which is designed to assist users of the Australian National…[Read More]

Coal Seam Gas: enhanced estimation and reporting of fugitive greenhouse gas emissions – Released for comment

The Federal Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) has released for comment the technical…[Read More]

Offshore greenhouse gas (GHG) storage assessment acreage release

The Federal Government is considering an offshore greenhouse gas (GHG) storage assessment acreage release in late 2013 or early 2014.…[Read More]

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