NEW GUIDELINES – Cleanup and Management of Polluted Groundwater.

EPA Victoria has released updated Guidelines for the Cleanup and Management of Polluted Groundwater.    The Guidelines provide details on…[Read More]

EPA Victoria’s roles and powers.

EPA Victoria has released a document that outlines a policy framework for how EPA Victoria assigns its legal powers and…[Read More]

Environment Offsets Bill introduced to parliament.

QLD Environment Minister, Andrew Powell has introduced the Environmental Offsets Bill 2014 into parliament.   The new Bill provides for a…[Read More]

2013-14 compliance year – Obligations for carbon pricing mechanism.

The Clean Energy Regulator is reminding liable entities, under the carbon pricing mechanism, that they must continue to meet their…[Read More]

The hazards and risks of cleaning up after a bushfire – Guidance available.

EPA Victoria has provided important information and guidance on the clean-up of the most common types of waste and hazards…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: For environmental auditors (contaminated land) – Guidelines for issue of certificates and statements of environmental audit.

New guidelines for Environmental auditors (contaminated land) for the issuing of certificates and statements of environment audit have been released…[Read More]

Federal Government seeks your input to replace carbon tax.

In late December 2013, the Federal Government released, for public comment, the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper outlining its preferred…[Read More]

Energy Issues Paper – comment sought.

In December 2013, the Federal Department of Industry released an Issues Paper to inform the preparation of an Energy White…[Read More]

Commonwealth environmental water Trading Framework – released.

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) has released the Commonwealth Environmental water Trading Framework that outlines the requirements and standards…[Read More]

Energy from Waste (EfW) guidelines – released.

The Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith released, in December 2013, the Energy from Waste (EfW) guideline…[Read More]

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