Site contamination guidelines – comment sought.

The SA Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has conducted a review of its site contamination guidelines following the amendment in 2013…[Read More]

Carbon repeal Bill rejected by Senate.

This week, the Clean Energy (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill that repeals the carbon tax was rejected by the Senate.   …[Read More]

Exposure draft legislation for Emissions Reduction Fund to include amendments to Carbon Farming Initiative.

In the coming weeks, the Federal Government will be releasing the Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper, which will outline its…[Read More]

Repeal of 866 legislative instruments administered by Federal Department of Environment.

The Federal Government has announced the repeal of a total of 866 legislative instruments administered by the Federal Department of…[Read More]

Data reported by corporations to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER).

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the 2012-13 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data publication that provides data reported…[Read More]

Commonwealth and participating State/Territories agree to streamline environmental approvals processes.

The Federal Government is seeking to establish a ‘one stop shop’ for environmental approvals to remove duplication in regulation between…[Read More]

User guide on Managing Units in Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU).

Just a reminder that a user guide for Managing Units in Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU) is available…[Read More]

GUIDELINES – Update of enforcement guidelines released.

The Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has released updated enforcement guidelines which aim to outline to business and…[Read More]

New Biosecurity Act.

Queensland’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister John McVeigh has introduced new biosecurity legislation, saying the new Biosecurity Act rolls multiple…[Read More]

Liquid Fuel Opt-in Scheme and Opt-in to carbon pricing mechanism for 2014-15.

The Clean Energy Regulator states that ‘under the Clean Energy Act 2011, large users of specified taxable liquid fuels can…[Read More]

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