Resignation of SA EPA chief

The Chief Executive of the SA EPA, Professor Campbell Gemmell, will step down from the position in May 2014 to…[Read More]

Global controls on Mercury – Consultation paper released for comment.

The Federal Government is seeking your feedback on the proposal for Australia to ratify the Minamata Convention on Mercury. The…[Read More]

Draft agreement between Commonwealth and ACT – streamlining environmental approvals – Comment sought.

As part of the reforms to streamline environmental approvals, the Federal Government for Environment has released, for public comment, the…[Read More]

New Standards to streamline environmental approvals.

The Federal Government is seeking to streamline environmental approvals that will accredit State planning systems, under national environmental law, to…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE – Landfills Exempt from Licensing.

EPA Victoria has released the new Landfills Exempt from Licensing guideline that covers the siting, design, management, rehabilitation and aftercare…[Read More]

Native vegetation clearing codes.

The NSW Government has announced the first three self-assessable codes for clearing under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 which are…[Read More]

New protected plants legislation.

An extensive review of the legislation protecting Queensland’s native plants has been completed and a new framework is now in…[Read More]

Ethanol Production Grants Program.

The Ethanol Production Grants (EPG) program seeks to support production and deployment of ethanol as a sustainable alternative transport fuel…[Read More]

Freeze on exploration licenses and audit of existing petroleum exploration licences.

The NSW Government has placed a 6  month freeze on the processing of new petroleum exploration licence applications (PELAs) –…[Read More]

Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for major projects.

The Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects has been released for public consultation until Friday 9 May 2014.…[Read More]

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