Updating Victoria’s Floodplain Management Strategy – Comment sought

The Victorian Government has released the Draft Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy that sets out the proposed new policy framework for…[Read More]

Draft NSW Guidelines on the Duty to Report Contamination – Comment Sought

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released for public comment updated draft Guidelines on the Duty to Report Contamination…[Read More]

Changes to Contaminated Land Regulations

Under new Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulations introduced by the state government, a compliance permit from an approved contaminated land auditor…[Read More]

Exposure draft Carbon Abatement Contract and discussion paper – Comment Sought

The Clean Energy Regulator has released for comment an exposure draft of the Carbon Abatement Contract to be used for…[Read More]

TENDER – Tender now open for Construction, Ownership and Operation of Deer Park (Victoria) Terminal Station (Current electricity capacity constraints at terminal stations)

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Powercor Australia and Jemena Electricity Networks (Jemena) have identified electricity capacity constraints at terminal…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE – Environmental auditor guidelines – appointment and conduct

EPA Victoria has released updated guidelines that explain the process for the appointment and conduct of Environmental Auditors appointed by…[Read More]

EPA Victoria makes changes to ozone monitoring network

EPA Victoria will make changes to its ozone monitoring network to account for seasonal changes from July 2014. EPA Victoria…[Read More]

Review of Broken Hill Water and Sewerage Prices: Final Report released

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released its final report Essential Energy’s water, sewerage and other services in…[Read More]

Water Act under Review

The Queensland government is conducting a review of the Water Act and is seeking public comment as part of the…[Read More]

Changes to Gladstone Area and Mt Isa Water Boards

The Queensland government has announced the appointment of new directors for both the Gladstone Area and Mt Isa Water Boards.…[Read More]

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