Following the repeal of the carbon tax, the Federal Department of the Environment has made available, on its website, detailed…[Read More]
Soil Carbon methodology released
The Clean Energy Regulator has released the Sequestering Soil Carbon in Grazing Systems methodology determination. Projects using this methodology store…[Read More]
New National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data released
The Clean Energy Regulator has released information about the electricity use of industrial and commercial facilities for 2012-13, based on…[Read More]
Draft Protocol for Managing Asbestos in Recyclable Waste – Open for comment
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released a draft protocol for managing asbestos in recyclable construction and demolition waste,…[Read More]
Waste and environment levy rates rise
Waste and environment levy rates have been increased by NSW EPA for 2014/15. The waste and environment levy rate calculation…[Read More]
NSW government launches resource efficiency policy
The NSW government has launched a policy aimed at reducing the state government’s energy and water use, improving waste management…[Read More]
Water Act Review – Last days to provide comment
The Queensland Government is undertaking a review of the Water Act 2000 which is intended to pave the way for…[Read More]
Revised Guidelines For listing and re-listing chemicals on the ‘confidential section’ of the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances – Comment sought
The National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) is seeking comment on the revised guidelines for listing and re-listing…[Read More]
Register of solar water heaters (version 21) – Effective 8 July 2014
The Clean Energy Regulator has released version 21 of the Register of solar water heaters. The register lists solar water…[Read More]
EPA’s position on provision of financial assurance for licences and works approvals
EPA Victoria has released a draft statement of position that explains the way EPA Victoria intends to apply financial assurances…[Read More]