A draft bilateral agreement that provides a single process for environmental approvals in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has been…[Read More]
Draft agreement between Commonwealth and ACT to streamline environmental approvals – Released for comment
EPA Inquiry – Reminder submissions close 29 August 2014
Submissions will close on 29 August 2014 to an inquiry conducted by the Legislative Council’s General Purpose Standing Committee No…[Read More]
Draft fire operation plan for Mallee Fire District and Murray Goldfields – Feedback sought
The Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries’ (DEPI) has released 2 separate draft fire operations plans for the Mallee…[Read More]
Bill introduces tougher new penalties
NSW Environment Minister Rob Stokes has introduced legislation which beefs up the NSW environment regulator’s powers and increases penalties for…[Read More]
Liable entitles must meet carbon price obligations for 2013-14 financial year – Reminder
The Clean Energy Regulator reminds us that liable entities must still meet their carbon price obligations for the 2013-14 financial…[Read More]
Review of Victoria’s State Environment Protection Policies (SEPPs) for Noise
EPA Victoria (EPA) and the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) have commenced a review of 2 State…[Read More]
Biodiversity legislation review announced
The NSW government has announced a major review of biodiversity legislation. Minister for the Environment Rob Stokes has appointed the…[Read More]
Renewable energy bill supports regional economic development
The Pastoral Land Management Bill which supports renewable energy developments on pastoral lands passed the Upper House this week. Environment…[Read More]
Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code) – latest edition released
The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released the latest version of the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods…[Read More]
84 toxic chemicals of security concern – Have your say!
The Attorney-General’s Department is calling for submissions on draft policy options to reduce national security risks posed by 84 chemicals…[Read More]