The Queensland Government’s Minerals and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014 has been passed in the QLD Parliament – but…[Read More]
Minerals and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014 passed in QLD Parliament
Draft Emissions Reduction Fund methods – Released for comment
The Federal Department of Environment has developed and released 3 draft Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) methods, in an effort to…[Read More]
DRAFT GUIDELINE: Composting – Released for comment
EPA Victoria has released the draft guideline on Composting, consistent with the Victorian Government’s Waste and Resource Recovery Policy. The…[Read More]
Review of State Environment Protection Policies for Noise – Discussion paper released for comment
The Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) and EPA Victoria are undertaking a review of the following State…[Read More]
EPA Victoria states its focus for 2014-15
EPA Victoria has released its Annual Plan for 2014-15 as part of their commitment and delivery of Year 4 of…[Read More]
Changes to QLD Waste regulations
The Queensland Government has issued an amendment regulation following the expiry of the Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000 on 31…[Read More]
Draft Planning Bills – Comment sought
The Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning is reviewing current planning legislation as part of its reform program.…[Read More]
Renewable Energy Target (RET) review report released
The Expert Panel, established by the Federal Government to undertake a review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme, has…[Read More]
Environmental licence holders to pay for air monitoring
EPA NSW is seeking comment on the draft Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Newcastle Air Monitoring) Regulation 2014(External…[Read More]
Savings for consumers in the energy market
Deregulation of the electricity and gas markets has been effective in South Australia as it delivers cost savings benefits to…[Read More]