NSW EPA outlines financial risk assessment process for companies

NSW EPA has released information for Assessing financial capacity: Procedure on financial risk assessment. The publication explains how NSW EPA…[Read More]

Solar Battery Grant Guidelines: Released

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has announced a $200 million Community Batteries for Household…[Read More]

Draft updated guidelines on Separation distance and landfill buffer: Comment sought

EPA Victoria is seeking your comment on two draft updated guidelines – Separation distance guideline;Landfill buffer guideline. These updated guidelines will advise?land…[Read More]

New guidance for managing PFAS: Comment sought

EPA SA is seeking feedback on two new PFAS-related guidelines for site suitability and the re-use of PFAS-contaminated waste soils – Draft…[Read More]

New Guideline: Best Practice Organics Recycling

A new Better Practice Organics Recycling guideline has been released for WA to enable better environmental management in the organics…[Read More]

Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard: Comments sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking input on proposed scheduling decisions under the…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE from the Essential Services Commission on Information Gathering Notice Guideline

The Victorian Essential Services Commission has published a new Information Gathering Notice Guideline to support individuals and businesses to understand…[Read More]

New guidance for industry to identify single-use plastic of food service ware items

NSW EPA has released the single-use plastics guide for food service ware items for industry.  The guide is intended to assist…[Read More]

New guide for suppliers to identify problematic banned plastics: Released

The NSW Government has banned the supply of some problematic and single-use plastic items. NSW EPA has released a guide to…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Background Levels Methodology guidance 2033

EPA Victoria has released a new guideline on the Background levels: Identifying naturally occurring chemical substances.  The guidance sets out…[Read More]

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