The NSW Department of Primary Industries Water is inviting public comment on the draft Barwon-Darling Valley Floodplain Management Plan.The plan…[Read More]
Amended Regulations on Wood Heaters
The NSW Government has amended the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010 to set tighter limits on…[Read More]
NSW EPA pilot program for reuse of construction and demolition waste
The NSW EPA has launched a new program, the Civil Construction Market Pilot program, which will works as a “matchmaker”…[Read More]
Draft National Strategy for Mitigating Vessel Strike of Marine Mega-fauna – Released for comment
The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released a draft National Strategy for Mitigating Vessel Strike of Marine…[Read More]
Consultation paper on Managing Construction and Demolition Waste – Comment sought
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is seeking public comment on proposed changes to improve the recovery rates and ensure…[Read More]
Great Barrier Reef Report Card 2015 – Released
The Federal and Queensland Governments have released the Great Barrier Reef Report Card for 2015 which assesses the reported results…[Read More]
Proposed 2017 Scheduled Premises Regulations – Comment sought
The Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Environment Protection Authority (EPA) are reviewing the Environment Protection…[Read More]
Changes to VEET mandatory safety training requirements
The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released an information bulletin on changes to some units of competency that must…[Read More]
Container deposit legislation passes
The NSW Government’s legislation for the Container Deposit Scheme passed through Parliament this week on Wednesday 19 October 2016.The scheme…[Read More]
Review of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process
The New South Wales Government is seeking feedback from the community on the review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)…[Read More]