Revised Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Guidelines (EFG-GHG)

WA EPA has published its revised Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The purpose of the guideline is to communicate…[Read More]

EPA GUIDANCE on Site contamination, Air quality, Radioactive materials, equipment and transport

EPA SA has released the following publications that relate to site contamination, air quality, radioactive material, equipment and its transportation:Evaluation…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Better Environment Plans

EPA Victoria has released the Better Environment Plans Guideline that explains the statutory and administrative requirements of a Better Environment…[Read More]

Proper pesticide use

From 21 February 2023, NSW EPA will conduct a 3 day blitz to engage with farmers on proper pesticide use. …[Read More]

Draft PFAS Guidelines

The EPA has begun consultation on 2 draft guidelines that deal with PFAS in South Australia. As part of the EPA’s…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: New Hydrogeological assessment guideline

EPA Victoria has released a new guideline – Hydrogeological assessment guidelines for groundwater quality  that provides the preferred practice for…[Read More]

Draft guidance on how to prepare a Transport Emergency Response Plan: Comment sought

NSW EPA seeks your feedback on the draft guidance on how to prepare a Transport Emergency Response Plan (TERP) for…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: New guidance on Powers and Notices for authorised and enforcement officers

NSW EPA has released a guideline – ‘Powers and Notices’ that is designed to help regulatory authorities, authorised officers and…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Evaluation distances for effective air quality and noise management guideline: Released

EPA SA has released the Evaluation distances for effective air quality and noise management guideline. Effective management of air and noise…[Read More]

Reforms to Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism Guidelines 2023: Comment sought

The Federal Government is seeking  feedback on reforms to the Australian  Domestic Gas Security Mechanism  (ADGSM) that are expected to …[Read More]

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