Significant penalties introduced for stockpiling dangerous goods

The Victorian Government has introduced into Parliament the Dangerous Goods Amendment (Penalty Reform) Bill 2019 which proposes significant increase in…[Read More]

DRAFT GUIDELINES: New guidelines on ground gases and consultants reporting: Have your say!

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority is consulting on two draft guidelines for contaminated land.Ground gases The Contaminated Land…[Read More]

WA Greenhouse Gas Emissions policy for major projects: Released

The Western Australian Government has released its greenhouse gas emissions policy for major projects assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority…[Read More]

Consultation summary on adopting the updated GHS under the model WHS laws

Safe Work Australia has released a summary of the submissions received during the online consultation for the proposal to adopt…[Read More]

EP Regulations expected to be available for comment in September

The Victorian Environment Protection Authority has indicated that they anticipate the release of the proposed environment protection regulations, supporting Regulatory…[Read More]

New Environmental Regulation and Policies for Queensland

The Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES) has advised that the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, the Environmental Protection (Air)…[Read More]

Review of waste levy and financial assurances: Have your say!

The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is consulting on proposed reforms to the landfill waste levy and financial assurances.The…[Read More]

New guidance for dangerous goods storage and handling

The Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has released a new guide for the storage and handling…[Read More]

Victorian Government introduces renewable energy bill

The Victorian Government has introduced a Bill into parliament to legislate increasing Victoria’s Renewable Energy Target (VRET) to 50 per…[Read More]

Electricity Distribution Code review issues paper: Have your say!

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released Electricity Distribution Code review issues paper.The ESC is an independent regulator that…[Read More]

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