Western Australia releases information on closure planning for petroleum activities

The Western Australian DMIRS has released guidance on the decommissioning, rehabilitation and closure of petroleum projects nearing the end of…[Read More]

NSW EPA grants waste approval for slag material

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has granted an Immobilised Contaminants Approval to a former smelter site, under…[Read More]

Have your say: Workplace exposure standards releases 6 and 7

As part of its evaluation of Workplace Exposure Standards for airborne contaminants, Safe Work Australia has released for comment:Release 6…[Read More]

Assessment of the energy retail market’s competitiveness and efficiency: Have your say!

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) is developing a monitoring and reporting framework to assist them in assessing the competitiveness…[Read More]

More action by Regulators at Tottenham fire site

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) will use WorkSafe’s powers to directly oversee the removal of waste chemicals at the Tottenham…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Progressive rehabilitation and closure plan guideline

As part of the Queensland Government’s work to improve rehabilitation and financial assurance outcomes in the resources sector, the guidelines…[Read More]

Draft Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail (ADG 7.7): Comment sought

The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released the draft Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road &…[Read More]

New resources for chemical storage

Safe Work Australia has released new resources for storing hazardous chemicals.The resources expand on the information in Managing risks of…[Read More]

Update to Victorian energy efficiency certificates

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has advised that from the week commencing 18 November 2019, they will be automating…[Read More]

Renewable energy Bill – gazetted

The Victorian Government Act to legislate increasing Victoria’s Renewable Energy Target (VRET) to 50% by 2030 has been gazetted.The Renewable…[Read More]

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