Adoption of Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Revision 7 for workplace hazardous chemicals – 1 July 2020

Safe Work Australia Members have agreed to adopt the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Revision…[Read More]

HAVE YOUR SAY! Draft legislation for the National Standard for Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals

Consultation is now open on a draft legislation package for the National Standard for Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals…[Read More]

HAVE YOUR SAY! Workplace exposure standards releases 10 and 11

As part of its evaluation of Workplace Exposure Standards for airborne contaminants, Safe Work Australia has released for comment:WES review…[Read More]

Ozone and greenhouse gas regulations gazetted

The Federal Government has gazetted amendments to the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations…[Read More]

New EPA Victorian strategy, policies and annual plan 2019-20

The Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released the following new strategy and policy documents:Regulatory strategy – 2020-2025 draft It…[Read More]

New EPA Guidelines

The EPA Victoria has released the following new publications:Reducing risk in the premixed concrete industry (Publication 1806) This publication aims…[Read More]

Mineral Resources Regulations gazetted

On 10 December 2019, the Victorian Government made the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Extractive Industries) Regulations 2019.The Regulations replace the…[Read More]

NSW makes energy deal with Federal Government

The NSW and Federal Governments have reached an agreement aimed at lowering power prices for consumers, reducing emissions and strengthening…[Read More]

Energy Saving Scheme (Amendment No. 1) Rule – Commences 30 March 2020

The NSW Government has gazetted the updates to the Energy Savings Scheme Rule (ESS Rule).  The Energy Savings Scheme (Amendment…[Read More]

NSW Dust Assessment Handbook for mining industry – Released

The NSW EPA has released a Dust Assessment Handbook for the mining industry.Prepared by the EPA in consultation with the…[Read More]

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