As part of its evaluation of Workplace Exposure Standards for airborne contaminants, Safe Work Australia has released for comment WES…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE: For assessing prohibited plastic
EPA SA has released Guidelines for assessing prohibited plastic products under the Single use and Other Plastics Products (Waste Avoidance)…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE – For exporters of glass waste
As Australia now has the new Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 in place, exporters of glass waste are required…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Noise control guidelines
EPA Victoria has released the Noise Control Guidelines which are primarily intended to be used by municipal officers to assist…[Read More]
Guidance for preparing planning approvals
EPA Victoria has released this publication that provides information and guidance for planners assessing, and proponents seeking approval for developments,…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Underground Petroleum Storage Systems
NSW EPA has released new guidelines to help operators of underground petroleum storage systems minimise the potential for fuel leaks.Underground…[Read More]
DRAFT GUIDELINES: Construction Noise – Comment sought
NSW EPA has released a draft Construction Noise Guideline for comment. The Guideline sets out a framework for the management…[Read More]
Waste reporting, Record keeping and Measurement standard: Released
EPA SA has released the Waste reporting, Record keeping and Measurement standard that is published under the EP Regulations and…[Read More]
Mass balance monthly reporting for waste depots: Information sheet released
EPA SA has released an information sheet for waste depots required to undertake mass balance reporting requirements. Please read the…[Read More]
Your Licence Explained
EPA SA has released a new publication – Your Licence Explained as an introduction to the licensing system for new…[Read More]